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Have You lived outside of the U.S. for an extended period of time?
I lived and worked in Himeji, Japan for 3 years (89, 90, 91).

Biggest pleasant surprise was how easy it was to feel at home, even when physically standing out - mostly because of the value placed on politeness and respect in the Japanese culture. It was also very easy and cheap to get around on the trains once I understood a bit of Japanese. I never drove in Japan - just train and bicycle. Loved the food and the people; missed my family; didn't miss all the "stuff" I left back in the US - only took my clothes and some albums and CDs (1 room tatami apartment with western bathroom and kitchenette).

I wouldn't live in Japan again, but I have visited for business and pleasure a few times since moving back to the US and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world. Made some good friends, learned a language and got to use it everyday, and it was very lucrative back then; the experience also helped me get the types of positions that I was looking for when I returned to the US.

Funniest thing was climbing Mount Fuji with some other gaijin (foreigners) and having to wait for them to catch up because they were older and I simply couldn't go that slow. Then, when we were near the top and I went all out at my best pace, several Japanese couples at least in their 80s zipped right on by me. Same thing happened to me a lot when riding my bicycle. Healthy diet and lots of walking made for much healthier seniors, in general, than I was accustomed to here.

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RE: Have You lived outside of the U.S. for an extended period of time? - by HairOfTheDog - 07-22-2012, 02:00 PM