08-07-2012, 09:30 AM
I love being a pet owner and take them to see their doctor on the regular and as needed just as I do with my children. I have a 4 year old Bengalese cat and a 5 month old kitten (heritage unknown, but she's part dog, zombie, monkey and human). I don't tolerate any sort of animal abuse or neglect. I've reported people to the aspca and all of my cats and dogs (except for one dog) were shelter animals. I've taken in strays and if I hit the lottery, id open a no-kill shelter. Those commercis on tv about animal abuse often make me physically ill. I wanted to be a vet and actually took a job in a vets office until an abused animal came in and I couldn't handle it. She was so abused, she needed put down. I cried and cried and being part of a doctor for animals means you have to sort of disaccociate but I couldn't get over it. She was a sweet dog, when I went to pet her, she licked my fingers and I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to beat her so badly. I had to quit. I've never struck an animal in my life for any reason. My children have never struck an animal. I'm of the mind that if you don't have the time, the money or the patience, you shouldnt have pets.
Just shut up. Just shut the fuck up right now.