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S.C. i want your opinion on this!
(08-12-2012, 09:36 AM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: The tattoo thing started down here a year or so ago. Its the kind of thing thats getting popular (tattoos) but the thing people have to remember is while its getting popular the vast majority of folks out there do not have them, nor do they like them. These would be the fine folks paying taxes and therefore salaries of the public employees. Most of the population being non tattood see a big muscled up guy with tattoos scrolled down both arms as a scary guy, most likely a gang member of some kind, maybe he stold that uniform. I got some ink and I am big, I have a very deep commanding voice and I scare some people just by looking at them. In the kind of business I am in its something i have had to deal with. Admittedly the scared ones are weak pussies for the most part, but they are the kind to complain that the "big bad scary policeman intimidated me".
Guys say "well its just a tattoo I got because I like it, its not intimidating at all" I call Bullshit, I have seen a hundred guys looking at their new ink or about to get one and saying "Bad Ass!". So don't make out like your all innocent in this, Guys Know tattoos are bad ass and make you look like a bad ass, thats why they get them.
So don't be surprised that the "normals" you have to deal with also see you as a bad ass.

you're right 6FT, i bet for 90% of them that's of my son's former girlfriends, darling girl, had one below on her looked great. I'm just saying i don't think they're all bad. I was in a meeting and saw this 68 yr old chick with a shriveled up tatoo on her leg...and i thought, 'you go girl...i bet you were quite a spit fire in your day".
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3

Messages In This Thread
S.C. i want your opinion on this! - by Lady Cop - 11-04-2011, 02:06 PM
RE: S.C. i want your opinion on this! - by Kip - 11-04-2011, 06:50 PM
RE: S.C. i want your opinion on this! - by pspence - 08-12-2012, 11:12 AM
RE: S.C. i want your opinion on this! - by Cheyne - 08-12-2012, 09:07 PM