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fears, phobias and freaking spiders!
a NEW spider! YAY! it's in Oregon! YAY! hah

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[Image: article-0-14956494000005DC-114_634x472.jpg]

The spider, which is 4cm wide including its legs, was found in caves in southwest Oregon and is so evolutionarily unique it has been classed not only as a new genus and species but a new family.

Known as Trogloraptor, or cave robber, it was found by citizen scientists hanging beneath rudimentary webs on cave ceilings, reports the journal Zookeys.

'Their extraordinary, raptoral claws suggest that they are fierce, specialized predators, but their prey and attack behavior remain unknown.


Messages In This Thread
RE: fears, phobias and freaking spiders! - by Lady Cop - 08-17-2012, 11:56 AM