08-20-2012, 02:54 AM
Once again I'm not sticking up for him I'm stating the facts and truth. You want answers I'm giving them to you, if you don't like what I have to say then don't ask. You have ur opinion based of things you read. I base mine on pure facts. He don't just go out n beat the shit out of women. These charges are from ppl he was involved with and just bc he has dvs don't mean he put his hands on a women, I cam tell you my experience I have called the cops due to a dispute between us n remove him from our home until we both cooled down but with him being on the lease I would have to press charges. I get that you guys speculate on things you here but why try to bring someone else down bc you don't agree. I will say this until I'm blue in my face Cameo had no part in this murder period n that's what evidence and all parties shows. I'm sorry buy you are stupid if you can't see that. As for Sam the evidence show he didn't commit this crime either. I didn't follow his trial due to being preoccupied with cameos. I heard from other witnesses in the prosecutors office telling me that they know he wasn't there, and these were friends of the victims I'm sure they want justice served as well they just aren't as hard headed as the rest of you that can't except their innocence.