06-14-2008, 11:10 AM
Quote:[user=49]FUC OFF LOSER[/user] wrote:I agree. He needs to douche his head and flush the crud outso he canunderstandthat mocking and insulting are completely different things. But then again he used the DictionaryOf Imbecilic Meanings when he tried to explain the differences to me a few pages back.
God does he ever just shut the fuck up. 8 pages of rambling bullshit. If I ever saw diarrhea of the mouth it is certainly the liquid coming from his mouth.
Quote:[user=49]FUC OFF LOSER[/user] wrote:
I have!!!!!! I was just so fed up with this dick head. Who does he think he is. I know what he is 300 ibs of shit sittin on his couch afraid to face he world.
He never shuts up. He's a post whore by his own description and wears the moniker proudly. He thinks that by posting this idiotic bullshit again and again saying absolutely nothing he's going to impress someone and actually move forward. He's so proud of his useless and mindless spew-age that he fools himself into believing it as well.
I hear he likes to post LOL or lol quite often in hopes to gain post counts. Nothing else in his replies but simply LOL. This must be some kind of higher intelligence no human is capable of measuring.
And I noticed that he enjoys the use of the exclamation mark thinking shouting this LOL! or lol! (how do you shout minor lol?) that it will lighten the tone? Or does he just simply shout for the sake of it because he knows no better?
I wonder if he screams LOL out loud in rooms full of people only to be mocked in person?
I see now you're starting with the mom jokes toward me. Oh how original! How clever! You are a true wit! Let me know when I should be impressed. Or was that supposed to hurt my feelings?
Trust me, my mom can do way better than the lame ass crap you spew.