06-14-2008, 11:26 AM
Liquid Wrote:Middle Finger Wrote:no problem at all!Liquid Wrote:I'll pass, thanks.Middle Finger Wrote:James, you should give Mock free advertising on your cheapass sites, as an apology favor for me.
that would not be the reason, but I would talk to you about cross promoting. email me back from the email I sent you earlier please
God, you are hard work Liquid.
You are setting new levels of banality here that I hope remain unsurpassed.
You are an attention whore of the worst kind, an attention whore with absolutely nothing of value to contribute.
54 posts with zero meaningful content says it all.
At this rate you are going to be a virgin mocker forever, or are you trying to bore the admin and mods into submission?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.