12-13-2008, 09:39 PM
Liquid Wrote:sally Wrote:Liquid Wrote:Please tell me why I would even care to be on your stupid fucking avatar. And what kind of pussy would PM another dude begging to be on it?AnonyMoose Wrote:Actually I agree, and Sally has now been removed. She does not even get on my avatar - fuck her.Liquid Wrote:lol I agree.IMHO, Sally hasn't even earned honorable mention.
FYI - Sally and AnonyMoose added to my avatar. AnonyMoose actually inquired through PM about being added and I was happy to accommodate his request.
you are not on it because of one simple reason - you suck in the biggest way this site has ever seen. Personally I think you should fight back in all these threads and actually contribute a little and people might just start to accept you and leave you alone finally, but you continue to suck. plain and simple, you suck.
I am not on it because Moose told you to take me off, it looks like you are the one whosucks pal.
You are confusing me with someone who actually gives a fuck, I could give a rats fat ass about any of these losers accepting me.