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A work in progress -pyramids.
Oh, speaking of linear motors I made another interesting discovery last night. It appears that some of the uses of the word "draw" and its derivatives in the PT are in reference to drawing stones up the pyramid.

1822b. draw the ka after thee; [draw life after thee]

The pyramid is the ka of the king and the ballast is the king.

I shouldn't mention this next one since it has a translation error and I don't translate myself (I just read what they actually wrote).

684a. It is N. who stretched the cord (of a bow) as Horus, who draw the string as Osiris.

When they planned a pyramid one of the first steps they called "stretching the cord". This through context is obviously meant to suggest that it was necessary to the actual layout as we would first survey today. So it should read;

684a. It is N. who stretched the cord as Horus, who draw the string as Osiris.

Which means;

684a. It is N. who surveyed as Horus, who draw the string as Osiris.

In proper English it would read;

(No I don't iunderstand wghy there are so many English grammatical errors) (Mercer actually has relatively few but modern authors have large numbers of them)

684a. It is N. who surveyed as Horus, who drew the string as Osiris.

or means;

684a. It is N. who surveyed as Horus and drew the string as Osiris.

Here's the translation error. It might not be truly so much a translation error as an unknown referent. For instance the builders of the Golden Gate Bridge might refer to the suspension cables as "strings". In any case "string" here refers to the main ropes that connected the lifter and the counterweight. This is so not because it fits in the line. Any meaning anyone wants to fit in the line can be forced to fit in the line. This is the nature of OUR language and the way the human brain works.

684a. It is N. who surveyed as Horus and drew the (ka) (by means of the) string as Osiris.

But the nature of THEIR language was different and this is why none of it is understood; people don't know the nature of the language is different than ours. Their language was far more formal than ours and meaning was expressed in context such as computer code expresses meaning in context. In English almost all words take their meaning from context but in Egyptian there were only a couple thousand words but meaning was almost static (a few words seem to have been used for multiple and similar purposes).

The meaning of the line isn't the result of me forcing it in because all's fair in love and English, the meaning is known because it fits in the context of the entire utterance. This is the meaning that fits in the paragraph if every word in the paragraph is determined through context. This is the apparent meaning of the line.

683a. To say: N. is pure, his ka is pure.
683b. How well is N., how well is N.--the bodily health of Horus!
683c. How well is N., how well is, N.--the bodily health of Set!
683d. The bodily health of N. is (to be) between you.
684a. It is N. who stretched the cord (of a bow) as Horus, who draw the string as Osiris.
684b. It is that one (the dead) who has gone; it is this one (Osiris) who comes (again).
685a. Art thou Horus? A face is upon thee; thou shalt be set on thy head.
685b. Art thou Set? A face is upon thee; thou shalt be laid on thy back.
685c. This foot of N. [which he has placed upon thee is the] foot of Mȝfd.t;
685d. [that] hand of N., which he has placed upon thee, is the hand of Mȝfd.t, who lives in the "house of life."
686a. N. strikes thee in thy face,
686b. so that thy saliva runs away. [He ------- so that] thy cheek ---.
686c. Śiw-serpent, lie down; n‘w-serpent, glide away.

People have always been locked in our own little worlds defined by our time and place. There are no Romans centurians being born in Kansas and there never were. We can't understand the Egyptians because they are so different than we are. So Egyptologists have simply announced what they wrote was mere religious mumbo jumbo and started making observations about the primitive bumpkins who wrote it. We have found the superstitious people and we are they. The Egyptians were wise with the learning from 180,000 generations and we simply dismiss everything they knew as the rantings of sun addled bumpkins. It wasn't sun addled bumpkins that got us out of the caves and invented agriculture and built the first great cities. It wasn't sun addled bumpkins that left an important legacy in stone.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]

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A work in progress -pyramids. - by cladking - 10-02-2012, 11:37 PM
RE: A work in progress -pyramids. - by crash - 10-03-2012, 07:47 AM
RE: A work in progress -pyramids. - by cladking - 10-03-2012, 11:32 AM
RE: A work in progress -pyramids. - by cladking - 10-03-2012, 12:05 PM
RE: A work in progress -pyramids. - by cladking - 10-03-2012, 04:01 PM