06-14-2008, 02:43 PM
We have to come up with a way to shorten your name. I'm not going to type out Fuc Off Loser every time I want you to know I'm addressing you. FOL is too close to "Fool", and Fuc, just don't seem right. Neither does "Loser". I'll think of something.
From what I've been told, your track prowess was something to see!! When I was much younger I used to run like the wind. Now, I could put an eye out with these huge tits flapping in my face. ::lmao:: Gotta ace-bandage the fuckers downto function.
Can we discuss your travels and why you went there, or would you rather keep personal shit out of here?
From what I've been told, your track prowess was something to see!! When I was much younger I used to run like the wind. Now, I could put an eye out with these huge tits flapping in my face. ::lmao:: Gotta ace-bandage the fuckers downto function.
Can we discuss your travels and why you went there, or would you rather keep personal shit out of here?