10-26-2012, 04:52 PM
(10-26-2012, 12:33 PM)nrkerr Wrote: Just ranting...
I decided that I needed to go back to school, and started in August. In September, we found out that my dad has pancreatic cancer. He is now doing chemo (and all the fun stuff that entails.)
I am stressed with a lot of things that are going on, including that. My grades are starting to show it. I really want to drop my classes, and go back when things calm down. However, I now have a student loan, and would be in deep shit if I quit now.
UGH!!! Why do things have to happen at the worst possible time???
At 39 I decided to go back to college - sick of the business degree and wanted to become an elementary teacher. Like you, a few months in and my mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I needed to be with her more so I dropped out. Talked to all of my professors about it because I hated to leave. Two said I would get the grade I had at that moment and not to worry about it. The others said I could come back in the spring and take the finals.
The next fall (after losing my mom in June) I tried it again. Had to drop out in December to have surgery. They all gave me the grades I had at the time.
Didn't want to go back the third fall but my husband said, "Are you going to give up that easily?" That made me mad since nothing had been easy. I gave it one more try and made it. So glad that I did - really enjoyed teaching and loved the kids (most of them). Taught a little over 20 years before retirement.
Maybe you could talk to your professors and work out a solution like I did. So sorry about your dad but time with him is more precious, imo. Good luck.