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Peter William Sutcliffe, Bingley, Yorkshire, England

'The Yorkshire Ripper' seemed to have a problem with whores.

5/7/75 - Sutcliffe makes his first attack on a prostitute, Anna Rogulskyj survives. Sutcliffe fails.

15/8/75 - Second attack, this time with a brick. Olive Smart lives, Sutcliffe fails again.

30/10/75 - Sutcliffe finally succeeds. Wilma McCann, 28, goes down as the first 'ripper' victim. Sutcliffe killed her just 100 yards from her home. 14 stab wounds and two big fuckin' hammer blows too the back of the head. Pete's M.O. had been set.

20/1/76 - Emily Jackson, 42, found dead. Two big hammer blows again, but this time Pete stabbed her over 50 times with a Phillips head screwdriver. Pete must have been pumped up for this one. He stomped her so hard he left a Wellington impression on her right thigh.

9/5/76 - Another failure; Marcella Claxton survives.

5/2/77 - Irene Richardson, 28; three hammer blows, neck savaged with a knife. Sound familiar?

23/4/77 - Patricia Atkinson, 32; four hammer blows this time, then seven stab wounds to the stomach before a big slash up her side. They found a size seven wellington boot print on the floor, the same as the one on Emily Jackson's corpse.

26/6/77 - Jayne McDonald, 16; My favourite of Sutcliffes victims. In fact one of my favourite victims ever. I don't quite know why but I've always had a thing for her. It's a shame she had to die. Well anyway Pete changed his M.O. for this one as she wasn't a whore, just a school girl. Well Pete smacked the back of her head in then stabbed in both the back and the chest. She was discovered by little kiddies on there way to an adventure playground. Now why didn't anything like that happen to me when I was young?

10/7/77 - Maureen Long survives a rather vicious attack. Pete must have had an off night

1/10/77 - Jean Jordan; One very pissed off ripper smashed her skull with eleven hammer blows. Unfortunately for Pete he had to leave the body in a hurry because a car drove by.

9/10/77 - Sutcliffe remembers that Jordon had a five pound note that he gave her so he goes back to the body. When he couldn't find her handbag he got pissed off and hacked at her body with broken glass, attempting to take the head off. Eventually he gave up and just gave the corpse a 'ruddy good kicking.' She was discovered the next day and her head was unrecognisable.

2/11/77 - Sutcliffe interviewed for the first time by police.

8/11/77 - 2nd Police interview

14/12/77 - Marilyn Loore survives. Whore

21/1/78 - Yvonne Pearson, 22; The first to feel Sutcliffe's new 'Club' hammer. Pete then jumped up and down on her chest repeatedly until her ribs were all cracked. The body went undiscovered two months, during which time Pete came back repeatedly attempting to make it stick out more, even placing a newspaper under her arm.

31/1/78 - Helen Rytka, 18; My least favoured victim. Always attempting to make her sound like a good girl. Bullshit. She was a whore. Anyway, Pete actually had sex with this one, and as she went to leave the car, BANG, right on the back of the head, he followed this up with five more, just to be sure. She was stabbed three times in the chest, then rather violently mutilated, somehow managing to keep stabbing her in the same spots.

16/5/78 - Vera Millward, 41; three hammer blows, followed with a huge slash across the stomach. Pete had actually put a piece of paper over her head as it was in a bit of messy state.

13/8/78 - 3rd police interview

23/8/78 - 4th police interview. Must have some effect as Sutcliffe stops for 8 months.

4/4/79 - Josephine Whitaker, 19; Skull smashed in with a hammer. The second respectable girl victim.

29/7/79 - 5th police interview

2/9/79 - Barbera Leach, 20; Another respectable one. This time Pete got her in the street, smashing her skull in. He then dragged her into a backyard, where he stabbed her eight times. He then chucked her in the bin, covering her with an old carpet.

23/10/79 - 6th police interview.

13/1/80 - 7th police interview.

20/1/80 - 8th police interview.

2/2/80 - 9th police interview.

18/8/80 - Marguerite Walls, 47; Another respectable one. Head bludgeoned, then strangled. Not officially counted as a 'Ripper victim'.

24/9/80 - Dr. Upadhya Bandara survives

5/11/80 - Theresa Sykes survives

17/11/80 - Jaqueline Hill, 20; Another student. This one Pete did just after he'd eaten at KFC. Took her off the street and stabbed her violently, for some reason taking one of her eyes.

2/1/81 - Sutcliffe gets done while about to add another one, Olivia Reivers.

4/1/81 - Pete cracks under pressure and admits to the lot.

22/5/81 - Found guilty of 13 murders. Gets life.

peter sutcliffe. Wrote:"I thought 'God, what have I done?... I realised I would be in serious trouble.
I thought the best way out of the mess was to make sure she could not tell anybody"
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile


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RE: Peter William Sutcliffe, Bingley, Yorkshire, England - by Eat Shit And Die - 11-08-2012, 03:04 PM