12-18-2008, 01:38 PM
AnonyMoose Wrote:This is the last time I am going to address your crap. Yes, I have a bachelors degree. So? Explain how that is a bad thing? I have a good job and I pay my own bills. Am I poor? No. Am I rich? No. But then again I don't go around telling anyone that will listen that I am either. Was I married to a jerk? Yep. And I did stay with him for a long time because we had kids. Did I leave? Yes I did. And you think all of this is something I should be ashamed of? Nope. You can put all the bulshit up here you want and insult me and call me names but it doesn't matter. It all boils down to you trying to make other people feel stupid or poor or whatever so you can feel better about yourself. If you were as smart and wealthy as you claim, you would have the confidence to have an intelligent discussion with people without tearing them down. You will say you don't care what I think but I do not believe for one minute that you are wealthy or waiting for patents to be approved or the rest of the lies you said. Someone like that does not act the way you do. You are socially inept. Look around this place. Do you see other people being as mean and nasty as you? No. Mocking yes. Asshole? No. I think you just got pissed at me because I wouldn't get on your bandwagon to get rid of Sally. Another one of your famous pm's. You are sooooooooo not worth anymore of this...............Buh-bye.ramseycat Wrote:Who exactly am I stalking? Moose, mocking is all about busting on someone about something that is true. You just sit on here and spew a bunch of lies and then try to make fun of people. I have never stalked anyone in my life and I certainly pay my own way. Unlike you, I don't post on here about how rich I am and how smart I am and how great I am. I don't need to look for validation on a message board from strangers. I know who I am and that I pay my own way. That's all I need to know.You are so full of shit it's almost laughable. You can't post about being rich, smart, or great. Oh, you tried to post about an undergrad degree once and got laughed out of the building. You are poor, so there is no possible way to boast about that success. How great? Well we all know you are just a punching bag for otis the drunk and that you took those beatings for quite some time because of your low self worth. And what you do for a living is not exactly "paying your own way". You have a low skill job; not a career. Send some more folks PM's again trying to find out about me. Stalker.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt