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Meth Addicted Infant Returned To Mother
(11-12-2012, 06:36 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Indians like to keep Indian "business" between Indians. They want to handle it their way. That's not a diss or to say they aren't capable it's just an observation.

They are drunks and drug addicts; not sure where the blame is to be placed. But it is, what it is.

There is a tribal casino on Rt 41 and 920 just outside Miami. I went in there to gamble and I was not impressed at all. First, I didn't understand the fucking slot machines, everything was nascar oriented, the bingo hall was the size of a fucking mall, the place was dirty, but the bar was top notch; go figure.

I am not pro-native american, well I am not pro anything about any culture that wants to seperate itself from everyone else. That's just me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Meth Addicted Infant Returned To Mother - by Sphincter Cop - 11-12-2012, 06:48 PM