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Woman charged in New York firefighter slayings
We live in a sick society that has jumped the shark. This woman will get more time in prison for signing a document which had a clause that the gun must be for her own use than this murdering bastard got for beating his grandmother to death with a hammer.

This guy should have been smoked for the protection of society. He would never have terrorized his family murdered his sister and killed the fireman in a healthy society. We simply don't restrain the violent and murderous among us but instead the courts turn them free and use the prisons for other purposes. Most cold blooded murderers should be executed within days of their crime. Once the facts are established and extenuating circumstances are investigated they should be taken away permanently so they can't hurt anyone again. This goes on and on and on. Then to try to stop the destruction caused by the sick and crazy they restrict individual rights. They wouldn't need a damn form to say guns are purchased for your own use if they got rid of the low lifes or at least locked them up permanently. Whatever happened to the concept that once a criminal paid his debt to society that he was again a citizen? I'll tell you, it went away when they invented the revolving door justice system and criminals were free to come and go as they please.

This system was invented for the status quo and because the rights of a few were being trampled by being unfairly imprisoned in looney bins. Rather than address the problems they turned them all loose. If someone won't take his medication he should have to report each day to a fascility that assures he gets the meds. If they can't function or live by the rules they need to be under lock and key. Most of them deserve decent accomodations in a medical fascility rather than in prisons where many end up until a judge orders prisoners released due to overcrowding. Then they're right back out killing people and making our society a dangerous place. Worse than the danger they pose is the laws they inspire to further restrict rights.

The politicians who cause this bloodshed are never held accountable. The number one cause of the mess we're in is bleeding hearts and soon enough the leading cause of death will be bleeding hearts.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Woman charged in New York firefighter slayings - by cladking - 12-29-2012, 07:51 PM