02-16-2013, 05:09 PM
(02-16-2013, 04:40 PM)username Wrote: *gasp* You typed it! To me it is just a word. No different than honkie or spic or any other race based slur (although I agree with Duchess that it's more an attitude than a skin color--there are plenty of white niggers IMO).
I also hark back to what I said in the other post. It is used in almost every damn song, often created by black artists, that my kids are listening to these days. How are my kids supposed to listen to that stuff and simultaneously revere the word (not that they go around calling people niggers or anything)?
My son played a song for me a few weeks ago...I couldn't get I'm a nigga out of my head for days.
SC, I hope you'll excuse the off-topic here...I'm thinking since Dorner is dead, it doesn't matter as much.
I have been told my Americans that there is a clear distinction between nigga and nigger. I suspect that you already know that.
Don't get me wrong, I am not leftie do gooder liberal. I am a capitalist, very right wing economically, but am socially liberal. I believe in equality in all its forms. I also don't mind saying that the behaviour of many black communities in the US is disgusting, but as you say above it is not limited to one race.
Where I am from calling people niggers is out of order, if you do it in London you will get in a lot of trouble, very quickly.