02-23-2013, 02:57 AM
Nutt Raygeous
This page is a joke it's like a joke of the day page...I come here to get my daily laugh!!! Keep up the humorous posts I love them!!!! "Rodent skin", "vile maggots", lmmfao whoever said "there's no joy out of death was a liar"...this page is effin hilarious!!! Don't worry my dear sweet cousin your finally away from that pos bcuz ALL wholeheartedly him knows he's nice and toasty right now!!! He probably has a pineapple appointment with the devil as we speak!!! (Lil Nicky)
Like · · 17 hours ago via mobile
Judy Weaver likes this.
Judy Weaver I, too, am amazed at this vile evil person! I can understand and sympathize with anyone (especially a mom) losing a loved one to murder.....but this bitch has totally lost it!!! Wishing to see pain and suffering on children's faces?!?! or another mom's face?! WTF??? She's as evil as the murderers themselves!!!!!!!!!! She's her own prisoner....I can only imagine how her other "baby boys" must feel.....living in "Johnnyboi's" shadow....never quite measuring up! She speaks of "joining" him.....maybe it's time! Just sayin Glad to know someone else feels like I do....though as you can see her support has dwindled! She likes and comments from her other sites! Be careful though- she probably has pins in her voodoo dolls now lol
8 hours ago via mobile · Like · THIS IS FROM JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY & LISA. Very surprised that these posts don't get deleted.
This page is a joke it's like a joke of the day page...I come here to get my daily laugh!!! Keep up the humorous posts I love them!!!! "Rodent skin", "vile maggots", lmmfao whoever said "there's no joy out of death was a liar"...this page is effin hilarious!!! Don't worry my dear sweet cousin your finally away from that pos bcuz ALL wholeheartedly him knows he's nice and toasty right now!!! He probably has a pineapple appointment with the devil as we speak!!! (Lil Nicky)
Like · · 17 hours ago via mobile
Judy Weaver likes this.
Judy Weaver I, too, am amazed at this vile evil person! I can understand and sympathize with anyone (especially a mom) losing a loved one to murder.....but this bitch has totally lost it!!! Wishing to see pain and suffering on children's faces?!?! or another mom's face?! WTF??? She's as evil as the murderers themselves!!!!!!!!!! She's her own prisoner....I can only imagine how her other "baby boys" must feel.....living in "Johnnyboi's" shadow....never quite measuring up! She speaks of "joining" him.....maybe it's time! Just sayin Glad to know someone else feels like I do....though as you can see her support has dwindled! She likes and comments from her other sites! Be careful though- she probably has pins in her voodoo dolls now lol
8 hours ago via mobile · Like · THIS IS FROM JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY & LISA. Very surprised that these posts don't get deleted.