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Bartender Fired for Calling Cops on Customer...
How many childrens' lives are ruined by the Los Angeles school board each year. 25% of kids learn how to read and write and the rest fill our prisons and cemeteries. They have time to boycott other states for trying to enforce federal laws while they fiddle and children die in the thousands and far more have their lives ruined.

But at least if you drive drunk the state will catch you when they deprive the entire population of individual rights and human dignity at roadblocks. We forfeit our liberty for security and a better chance of making it home alive at night (or at least when we're killed it will be someone on a cellphone instead of a few drinks). If we were really worried about public safety then texters would be in jail with the drunks. This isn't about safety but controlling peoples' lives and a puritanical government.

We jumped the shark. If we were really worried about drunk driving the penalties would get severe with each conviction. Instead it's more like a moneymaker for government which sets some arbitrary number that defines if you've had too many. It simply doesn't matter if a driver is in control. If he's texting it's not reckless driving it's a coincidence. If he blows .07 he's fine but .08 and that's it. Surely you see a problem here. Why would every state have the exact same .08 limit. Oh yeah, I remember it's what nanny fed insists on after they take most of the money out of a state so they can get some back for road work.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bartender Fired for Calling Cops on Customer... - by cladking - 03-01-2013, 12:30 AM