03-07-2013, 12:18 PM
A couple of the questions and answers from yesterday's testimony that I thought were interesting and might help any waffling jurors to see that Jodi's lying about Travis being an abuser and she being an innocent naïve victim who was being led on by Travis.
Juror Question: You took a picture of the shirt and shorts and not the underwear, why did you take this picture so much later?
Jodi: They were taken in July, I knew my time was winding down. By then I had rumors that said I was obsessed and all these things, I thought if someone finds these it does look a little strange to have a shirt that says his name, and across the back of the shorts, I didn't want them to be found, I knew I was going to get arrested. But, they were sentimental to me. So I still wanted to memorialize them, in some way. So I laid them out and photographed them, because they were special to me.
Sure psycho. Those pictures were a big part of your "proof" that Travis controlled, abused and tried to possess you, according to your direct testimony. Now, they were sentimental to you and you wanted to memorialize them.
Juror question: What is your relationship with your mother like today?
Jodi: It is very complicated, and it is very strained, we rub each other the wrong way, all day long, but nonetheless there is a deep love there . I think there are very few individuals that I love as much as I love my mom. Strained, very painful, love her a lot.
Juror Question: What is your relationship with your father like today?
Jodi: It's not very close but I have unconditional love for him. I find it's better when interact a little bit less .. I don't know, I think our personalities don't jive, maybe because I think he's kind of a negative person, or if it's because I'm negative, I don't know. Not trying to blame him. It hurts me so I don't like to go there very often.
I don't understand why the juror asked these questions. I think Jodi probably made out the relationships to be better than they actually are, and still it seems that neither of her parents likes to be around her. She drains the life outta people, imo. If the jury seriously considers the death penalty, her answers here might make it a little easier for them
Juror Question: Why did you confront Travis, after seeing him with another woman through his backyard window, if it was not due to jealousy?
Jodi: I felt like he had been making an effort, um, this was right after he had, um, we had just slept together consensually, we went all the way, and he said "I love you" and all these things, so I felt like we were getting back together, and when I saw that, it seemed in contrast to what he had been telling me for a month, month and a half. My intention was to go there to find out where we stood. Did he still want to try this, did he have any girlfriends, if he had a girlfriend that was fine, I just wanted to know, is all.
On direct, she said that Travis never told her that he loved her after their friendship turned sexual or "boyfriend/girlfriend". I think she had to admit that because it's nowhere in any of their 85,000 texts and emails or in her journal. But, now she says he did as she tries to back up her claim that Travis was "courting" her after break-up. Surely she wasn't jealous, all was fine with easy-going ever-pleasin' Jodi.
I think they got through about half of the questions yesterday. Maybe Martinez will get a chance to start his cross on these questions this afternoon.
Juror Question: You took a picture of the shirt and shorts and not the underwear, why did you take this picture so much later?
Jodi: They were taken in July, I knew my time was winding down. By then I had rumors that said I was obsessed and all these things, I thought if someone finds these it does look a little strange to have a shirt that says his name, and across the back of the shorts, I didn't want them to be found, I knew I was going to get arrested. But, they were sentimental to me. So I still wanted to memorialize them, in some way. So I laid them out and photographed them, because they were special to me.
Sure psycho. Those pictures were a big part of your "proof" that Travis controlled, abused and tried to possess you, according to your direct testimony. Now, they were sentimental to you and you wanted to memorialize them.
Juror question: What is your relationship with your mother like today?
Jodi: It is very complicated, and it is very strained, we rub each other the wrong way, all day long, but nonetheless there is a deep love there . I think there are very few individuals that I love as much as I love my mom. Strained, very painful, love her a lot.
Juror Question: What is your relationship with your father like today?
Jodi: It's not very close but I have unconditional love for him. I find it's better when interact a little bit less .. I don't know, I think our personalities don't jive, maybe because I think he's kind of a negative person, or if it's because I'm negative, I don't know. Not trying to blame him. It hurts me so I don't like to go there very often.
I don't understand why the juror asked these questions. I think Jodi probably made out the relationships to be better than they actually are, and still it seems that neither of her parents likes to be around her. She drains the life outta people, imo. If the jury seriously considers the death penalty, her answers here might make it a little easier for them
Juror Question: Why did you confront Travis, after seeing him with another woman through his backyard window, if it was not due to jealousy?
Jodi: I felt like he had been making an effort, um, this was right after he had, um, we had just slept together consensually, we went all the way, and he said "I love you" and all these things, so I felt like we were getting back together, and when I saw that, it seemed in contrast to what he had been telling me for a month, month and a half. My intention was to go there to find out where we stood. Did he still want to try this, did he have any girlfriends, if he had a girlfriend that was fine, I just wanted to know, is all.
On direct, she said that Travis never told her that he loved her after their friendship turned sexual or "boyfriend/girlfriend". I think she had to admit that because it's nowhere in any of their 85,000 texts and emails or in her journal. But, now she says he did as she tries to back up her claim that Travis was "courting" her after break-up. Surely she wasn't jealous, all was fine with easy-going ever-pleasin' Jodi.

I think they got through about half of the questions yesterday. Maybe Martinez will get a chance to start his cross on these questions this afternoon.