03-17-2013, 04:26 PM
They feel they are still owed something. Not all black folks, but many. More than half. Way more than half.
They also blame slavery for how fucked up most black-run African countries are now. They get pissy when you bring up AIDS and starvation and think of a way to pin it on American slaveholders even though it was the Brits, Dutch, and Spanish who ran the slave trade. We just bought them, the others ran SlaveMart. Every now and then someone will bring up the fact that Asians and Muslims own a thriving slave business now but that doesn't fit the poor-me agenda and it gets discounted.
From Topix:
Ben Yisreal (the black jew thing still cracks me up)
"400 year of abuse, which started in slaverydays we doing what we was taught, cu the bullshit, slavery installed Violence in us,ok we never got no counsling after slavery, ok that anger pass down, that voilance pass down, now whites afected by it, now its bad, long ass we hurt each other it never bad in they eyes, now its spreading out our community's into theirs now its bad, an evil,while the kids got anger because its passed down in the GEN, they same way we was AFRAID ON PLANTATION< an that was handed DOWN, well this ANGER IS HANDED DOWN NOW, an one day its gone have the Heart to say PAY UP WHITE MAN YOU OWE US, an the reason we anger is because of you!! SEE how that work, we needs land we control so then we can put that anger fire out thats in us "
"our kids mad they daddy aint got nothing, they heard bout slavery, they smart, they telling the world, its gone be a fight, because if kids mad they kids gone be mad an we stating to put it together! " damn we was kidnap, they turn everybody loose with nothing, ok that aint changed, yea they sat go to school, school aint feeding the whites, they owe 16 trillion, an we didnt enjoy non of it, cause what they give away free they give to all, ok we suffer from what happen to us, you devils cant change that, it has to be fixed, an our kids saying, they tired, yes we doing this to self but its spreading slowly but showily, its spreading an us because of you whites from the beginning that KIDNAP ya;ll did to us, while its got to be some kind of consequences, ok WE need land thats gone help, change everything around "
"white peoples got to be stone crazy if they think they fixing to get away because of slavery, them kids getting use to VIOLENCE of whats fixing to go down,you peoples living in a dream land, everything bout us is connected to what happen to us, T,V just got you thinking bout something else, ok we aint for got, its in our SUBCONSCIOUS mind, they try an make us think its all good we see the un evenness, we knows where you whites wealth come from an IT WASNT BO HARD WORK, we kows your peoples wealth came off our back an you want us to stay undr you. oir kids see this, they aint telling you this, but if you set down an talk to the youth an you ask them about slavery an do they owe us an see where it go they gone run it down to you, then go play ball as if nothing was said, ok thats ALL the black youth, they knows whites living off stolen MONEY, thats another reason we dont respect shit, because we knows whites stole everything, ok all this SUBCONSCIOUS now, ok we act this out in different ways thru out our life, Mad on inside because of what was down, an we knows NO BODY care, so we getting ready for whats got to COME bpay back for slavery, thats only way we gone change our give us our DO land, an start with west africa, "
I like the part about how the whites owe the 16 trillion debt. Not all Americans, just the white parts. And we haven't had slaves for awhile, although I think the Section 8 people should cut my grass and take out the trash on Thursdays.
I'm willing to give up a few states to make this man's dreams come true. Any states that start with an "I" can be the first to go. I know I'm sacrificing Iowa, but it is for the greater good.
They also blame slavery for how fucked up most black-run African countries are now. They get pissy when you bring up AIDS and starvation and think of a way to pin it on American slaveholders even though it was the Brits, Dutch, and Spanish who ran the slave trade. We just bought them, the others ran SlaveMart. Every now and then someone will bring up the fact that Asians and Muslims own a thriving slave business now but that doesn't fit the poor-me agenda and it gets discounted.
From Topix:
Ben Yisreal (the black jew thing still cracks me up)
"400 year of abuse, which started in slaverydays we doing what we was taught, cu the bullshit, slavery installed Violence in us,ok we never got no counsling after slavery, ok that anger pass down, that voilance pass down, now whites afected by it, now its bad, long ass we hurt each other it never bad in they eyes, now its spreading out our community's into theirs now its bad, an evil,while the kids got anger because its passed down in the GEN, they same way we was AFRAID ON PLANTATION< an that was handed DOWN, well this ANGER IS HANDED DOWN NOW, an one day its gone have the Heart to say PAY UP WHITE MAN YOU OWE US, an the reason we anger is because of you!! SEE how that work, we needs land we control so then we can put that anger fire out thats in us "
"our kids mad they daddy aint got nothing, they heard bout slavery, they smart, they telling the world, its gone be a fight, because if kids mad they kids gone be mad an we stating to put it together! " damn we was kidnap, they turn everybody loose with nothing, ok that aint changed, yea they sat go to school, school aint feeding the whites, they owe 16 trillion, an we didnt enjoy non of it, cause what they give away free they give to all, ok we suffer from what happen to us, you devils cant change that, it has to be fixed, an our kids saying, they tired, yes we doing this to self but its spreading slowly but showily, its spreading an us because of you whites from the beginning that KIDNAP ya;ll did to us, while its got to be some kind of consequences, ok WE need land thats gone help, change everything around "
"white peoples got to be stone crazy if they think they fixing to get away because of slavery, them kids getting use to VIOLENCE of whats fixing to go down,you peoples living in a dream land, everything bout us is connected to what happen to us, T,V just got you thinking bout something else, ok we aint for got, its in our SUBCONSCIOUS mind, they try an make us think its all good we see the un evenness, we knows where you whites wealth come from an IT WASNT BO HARD WORK, we kows your peoples wealth came off our back an you want us to stay undr you. oir kids see this, they aint telling you this, but if you set down an talk to the youth an you ask them about slavery an do they owe us an see where it go they gone run it down to you, then go play ball as if nothing was said, ok thats ALL the black youth, they knows whites living off stolen MONEY, thats another reason we dont respect shit, because we knows whites stole everything, ok all this SUBCONSCIOUS now, ok we act this out in different ways thru out our life, Mad on inside because of what was down, an we knows NO BODY care, so we getting ready for whats got to COME bpay back for slavery, thats only way we gone change our give us our DO land, an start with west africa, "
I like the part about how the whites owe the 16 trillion debt. Not all Americans, just the white parts. And we haven't had slaves for awhile, although I think the Section 8 people should cut my grass and take out the trash on Thursdays.
I'm willing to give up a few states to make this man's dreams come true. Any states that start with an "I" can be the first to go. I know I'm sacrificing Iowa, but it is for the greater good.