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The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander

Martinez right out of the starting gate attacking her education . . . not having a PhD . . . therefore cannot administer, score or interpret a psychological test.

LaViolette states she uses the DSM IV.

Ooops! DSM IV has no diagnosis for Battered Woman.

He's hammering her methodology: The clinical interview.

Her physical posture is defensive . . . she's asked if Martinez is angry with her and the courtroom erupts with laughter. Judge admonishes courtroom to refrain from laughing.


In for a beating.

She ain't looking at the jury!

She's no one's grandma, now . . . she's defensive and angry.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander - by BlueTiki - 04-04-2013, 06:53 PM
Jodi Arias is going to . . . . - by Carsman - 08-04-2014, 09:55 PM