05-09-2013, 11:31 AM
(05-09-2013, 01:38 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: . . . reverse-psychology attempt.
I vividly remember her testimony about not wanting jailors to know she was suicidal when she first secured lodging with Sheriff Joe because that meant isolation, observation, and removal of most possessions.
Einstein strikes again!
I believe this is why she declared her desire for death . . . "If the jury hates me, then they'll deny me what I say I want."
More of the interview is being released, this morning. In all, it's over 40 minutes and FOX 10 is hinting they will be releasing it, in its entirety, within the next few days.
She's stating that Nurmi withheld evidence that she wanted introduced and says "Ultimately, he's the boss.".
Yeah. Tell me she's not setting-up an appeal for both the trial and the mitigation phase. . . if it doesn't go her way.
And again, bless you HotD for the Arias tard site!
Snippets from their fearless leader, today:
"After all, how could they have convicted Jodi based on the evidence? There was none. The State never proved its pre-med case in the slightest… nor could it… but it didn’t stop the jurors coming back with M1 on what would normally have been a run-of-the-mill self-defense case."
"It was interesting to see the unbridled joy of the haters & retarded pedo-huggers yesterday too – even though most of them never even watched the trial, and just jumped on the rickety mormon trash band wagon at the last minute. But hey… it’s probably the only real joy they’ve ever experienced in their lives — since having sex with their kids for the first time — so let’s not spoil the moment for them… not just yet anyway.
Let them carrying on clinging to the illusion of Jodi’s guilt if it makes them feel better… but the DP verdict they’re hoping for is still not gonna happen. Only Jodi gets to call the end game. Nobody else."
My favorite logical statement from the brain trust:
"It wasn’t so much about justice,but more about their self-preservation".
Sounds like a solid case of juror Self Defense.