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Not a good week for the Obama administration!
Being 'better than' a radical muslim by not being like them doesn't earn you any street cred with them. They want you dead either way, because you are a blasphemer and an enemy of Allah. They demand your complete subjugation and conversion to Islam. Anything less is unacceptable.

The radical muslim isn't interested in living peacefully with anyone who is not muslim. Ever. Their world view doesn't include room for any other culture or religion. They fight jihad for Allah, and consider any act that vanquishes the infidel fair game. Torture, beheading, gang raping women and children... as long as it's done to further jihad, Allah says it's cool.

They don't give a flying fuck about laws or protecting individual rights. They care about establishing Islam worldwide, and anything that gets in the way of that must be destroyed. It's that simple.

You are their enemy, and will never be their friend or tolerated. People around the world need to deal with it, and accept that it needs to be fought against.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Not a good week for the Obama administration! - by Jimbone - 05-13-2013, 10:49 PM