05-16-2013, 08:07 PM
(05-16-2013, 07:48 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll.
Some other things too, but those are the ones that I've been committed to since writing them in balloon letters on my PeeChee in 12th grade.
They still sell Pee Chees; saw some at Walmart.
Drugs = the occasional toke or two, a few drinks now again, or 2 caps full of Nyquil and a shot of tequila when called for. Never a combination of all three in one night without at least 2 hours between them.
Wish I could give poskarma for the peechee reference. I don't know how many conversations I've had where I said the word Peechee and was met with blank stares by future generations. Tell you what; instead of positive karma, I'll just grudgingly admit you're probably a chick.