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MURDERED: 8 yr old Leila Fowler - 12 yr old brother charged
Finally an article about Barney and all his kids. Looks like he has seven kids from four different mothers, and he is 37? This is the info on Priscilla.

Court files show sources of particular stress, if not heartbreak, for Leila and the 12-year-old brother charged with her murder.

The file for a child support dispute between Barney Fowler and Priscilla Rodriguez, the mother of Leila and her 12-year-old brother, indicates that she rarely saw the children for years at a time, has sometimes been homeless, and survives on a tiny monthly disability check.

In 2012, Barney Fowler wrote that "There has only been one attempt by Priscilla to see the kids in the last 3-4 years, which I allowed her to see them. It was by her choice a 10-15 minute visit Feb. 2011. No other attempts have been made. Her number was changed and she moved."

Rodriguez acknowledged in her written statement to the court in 2012 that she had not seen her children much but gave a different explanation.

"When I was no longer able to give money to Barney Fowler he then would not let me speak to the children any more. I am on SSI (disability) and barely able to survive. I am homeless right now when I was giving him money last year I was going without food for myself. I am not trying to avoid helping my children financially but at this point I am unable to give him anything. I am constantly looking for work to help. I only wish to be able to speak with and see my children."

Documents indicate that Rodriguez receives $533 a month in disability. A court in August last year ordered her to pay $114 a month to Barney Fowler.

In May of 2012, a judge ordered Barney Fowler to seek employment so he'd be able to pay child support to Kimberley Claire Kitto of Pocatello, Idaho, the mother of his son, Ogden James Kitto-Fowler, born in 2010.

Messages In This Thread
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by Adub - 05-17-2013, 08:33 AM
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by californiakid - 05-18-2013, 12:16 PM