05-27-2013, 05:47 AM
(05-26-2013, 10:29 PM)crash Wrote: Define irony: trying to mock somebody about a comment from four years ago with an event that occurred 100 years ago. I really shouldn't expect more though.
I don't recall you fuckwits saving anyone's ass, actually. More the case was how your team fucked up the co-ordinates of the landing position in the first place.
Face it, Frodo, you guys had the world conquered. But you've since fucked it all up and let the grip slip so far now that the Indians, pakis and the jigs will have you all bred out within 100 years.
4 years a 100 years its all in the past if you keep bringing it up why shouldn't I? Face it you completely pussied out at Gallipoli and the Brits had to ride in like the cavalry to save your ass.
85.6% of the British population is white 1.8% is Indian 1.6% is Pakistani 1.8% is black African or Carribean. So your theories about being “outbred” within 100 years are complete and utter bullshit.
Immigration into the UK has dropped by over a third in the last two years and is continuing to fall.
At least we accomodate a small percentage of ethnic minorities unlike in aussieland try getting in there if your skin isn't white and you aren't a millionaire.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.