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MURDERED: 8 yr old Leila Fowler - 12 yr old brother charged
(06-03-2013, 06:26 PM)username Wrote: Don't get me wrong. I think he should absolutely be locked up for the next 11+ years. I disagree though that he should receive the same sentence as an adult.

The argument that a 30 y/o should get a harsher sentence than a 20 year old doesn't fly with me. At that age, they're both adults.

I agree that 12 y/o's can and should know the difference between right and wrong. So can a 5 y/o but they don't always do what's right.

The kid appears to be vicious and fucked up in the head but I don't think we, as a society, should give up on 12 year olds.

We are not talking about adults. We were talking about a 12 year olds brain not being fully developed. A 20 year old doesn't know half of what a 30 year old would know just like a 12 year old wouldn't know what a 20 or 30 year old know. To say because they are adults is not right.

Again I ask. What if a 20 year old had broke into the house and killed the little girl. He would probably get life in prison simply because he is an adult? However a 12 year old kills the little girl and he simply gets a slap on the wrist and that's about all that it will amount to.

I agree that society should not give up on 12 year olds or any child. But there has to be a line drawn. It should be based on the severity of the what the child has done and murdering someone is pretty damn severe and when it come taking another humans life there should be no leniency for adults or kids.

Now if her death had been an accident or lets say a prank gone wrong then that would be a completely different thing all together. But to savagely stab someone 21 times is completely inexcusable no matter what the persons age is and should not receive special treatment just because they are 12.

What kind of example are we sending if he just gets to sit in juvenile detention for 11 years? How bad is that going to be? Its not going to be anything like prison. What if other kids read about him and figure hey he will be free to live his life when hes 23 and have a clean record when he gets out so that's not that bad so I can get off easy if I kill that person who called me that name yesterday.

All society is pretty much doing is saying that no matter what you do and as long as your a kid we will not hold you very responsible for what you did because you didn't know to much about what you were doing.

So where do we draw the line on what juveniles can get away with and stop trying to make excuses for them?

Messages In This Thread
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by californiakid - 05-18-2013, 12:16 PM
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by lady love - 06-04-2013, 03:45 AM