06-17-2013, 09:06 PM
(06-17-2013, 08:55 PM)sally Wrote: If they really interrogated the poor kid for two hours until he pissed his pants, they all need to be fired. Fucking freaks.
These folks have lost their minds.
I know this epidemic of overreaction is nationwide, but Maryland seems to have really gone over the edge.
Snipped from the OP article:
Last week, Anne Arundel County school district officials denied an eerily similar appeal to have Baltimore-area second-grader Joshua Welch’s suspension expunged. Welch is the eight-year-old kid who was suspended for two days in March because his teacher thought he shaped a breakfast pastry into something resembling a gun.

Earlier this year, a six-year-old boy at Roscoe R. Nix Elementary School in Silver Spring, Maryland was suspended for making the universal kid sign for a gun, pointing at another student and saying “pow.” That boy’s suspension was later lifted and his name cleared.
Pretty sad when a law mandating common sense and logic seems to be required. Too bad this such bill failed.
A Maryland state senator introduced a bill designed to curb the zeal of public school officials who are tempted to suspend students in these cases. ”The Reasonable School Discipline Act of 2013,” which was authored by Republican Sen. J. B. Jennings, apparently went nowhere in the legislature.