07-26-2013, 06:32 PM
(07-26-2013, 03:51 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: There is a sizable group freely expressing personal contempt for Zimmerman, so I don't know why anyone who felt that way would refrain.
I have no interest in defending George Zimmerman against his detractors, nor joining those who wish him misery.
That group . . . the one freely expressing personal contempt for Zimmerman . . . Do you think they are fueled by the fact that, throughout history, the (non-black) punks always get away (when it comes to crimes against non-whites)?
Fuck the racial haters and those who remain silent against them. Their "justice" is akin to Maytee justice.
And, "Yes" . . . I believe the root of these protests is racially motivated.
There is NOTHING to indicate that these malcontents give nothing but lip service to changing SYG laws.
Am I supposed to believe if Zimmerman was convicted, SYG protests would be virtually non-existent because the law "worked"? (Rhetorical, HotD)
The alleged loophole remains either with conviction or acquittal.
Why weren't these concerned individual investing their time and angst, PRIOR prosecution, to make sure that at the end of the trial, regardless of the verdict, the new SYG law is in place to honor Trayvon? (Rhetorical, HotD)
It took less than 6 months to enact the first Caylee's Law.
How long has Skittles been dead? (NOT rhetorical, HOtD).