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Oprah told bags are “too expensive” for her
I noticed that Oprah's school has all black children and her publicly televised statement is 'her objective is to serve all BLACK children' with this endeavor. When Stephen Girard opened a school in Philadelphia for under-privileged white children, blacks had it declared illegal and Mr. Girard's last will and testament was reversed and amended to include blacks. It appears it is OK for Oprah to exercise reverse-discrimination and if someone cited her for it they would be called racist. Mr Girard funded his school with his own money and left an endowment to guarantee its survival. But that matters not. Oprah needs to look at herself more closely and realize she can be racist too.

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RE: Oprah told bags are “too expensive” for her - by ZEROSPHERES - 08-14-2013, 02:12 PM