08-18-2013, 10:16 PM
(08-18-2013, 09:43 PM)Ham Sand Witch Wrote:(08-18-2013, 09:38 PM)SanFranPhaggoot Wrote:
OMG! You're a clever guy/girl, Ham.
I see what you did there, changing the username in the original post and all. And, that whole creative "Phaggoot" spelling deal. Brilliant.
Never seen either done before.
"SanFranPhaggoot" - ouch... Ah well, I guess I can learn to live with the painful label if it makes a fine specimen like you happy.
You've got me beat though. An internet drama queen and the wanna-be forum crier trumps an SFP every time.
Seriously, though. You're stale, Ham Sand Witch; cutting the mustard here isn't even a remote possibility.
Huge 'effin yawn.