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Australian exchange student gunned down
(08-25-2013, 12:09 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(08-25-2013, 12:04 PM)Jimbone Wrote: But the gesticulation everyone goes through to make sure black on white crime is not about race is very peculiar to me... because when the reverse is true, the immediate reaction is that it is someone connected to race.

All rational people can do is stand by what they believe. We see this kind of thing going on with every black/white crime and there will always be those who want to make it be about race when it's nothing more than fucked up individuals doing fucked up things.

This is how I see it also.

If a crime goes down where the suspect and victim are of different races, some in the media and public will automatically believe or cry out that there were racial implications, regardless of what the investigation uncovers as the actual motive.

If a crime goes down where the suspect and victim are of different races and the media or leaders don't automatically label it as having racial implications, some in the public will cry out, "had the races been reversed!..." every time.

Race-based and hate crimes still happen in the US (and across the globe); people get killed for being a certain color, or being gay, or being a certain religion... But, I think a lot of crimes in the US are exploited as such when it's just not the case.

A white guy can kill a black guy just because he wants his drugs or money or girlfriend, and vice versa. For me, the facts of the case matter when forming an opinion as to "why", not the predictable media slant by both the right and left, nor the opinion of others not involved in the case or the investigation. It's interesting to read/hear all of it, but it doesn't make it fact.

In this case, so far, investigators have reported that the teens shot Lane because they were wanna-be-gangstas who were bored. Lane ran by, they followed him in the car, Luna shot him in the back... They literally made him their kill target because they were bored and wanted to earn street cred. Nothing so far indicates that they figuratively "targeted" him because he was white, or Australian, or Christian...

So, I don't know if Chris Lane's murder had anything to do with his race or the races of his killers; doesn't look so to me at this time but not all the facts are in yet.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Australian exchange student gunned down - by HairOfTheDog - 08-26-2013, 10:56 AM