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I am in full soup chicken mode with this redecorating shit...

Anyway, I'm kind of trying to be a little eclectic in my daughter's room (half shabby chic/half eclectic fun) so I was looking for "stuff" (God knows what) and I came across this blog/website. We keep our cleaning stuff in the garage but who woulda' thunk a tension rod inside a cabinet...I must use that idea. Maybe I could put one in somehow in our regular closet so my husband could hang his ties from it. Hmmmm.....


Or a dish drainer as file/pencil holder...


Here's the link... Got any other clever ideas? Some of this stuff wouldn't work in the rest of my house (except God knows I could use all the practical storage ideas I can get). Most of my house is somewhere between Tuscan, ugly and practical. I'm not sure I can add re-purposing to that mix but I'm going to have fun with it in my kids' rooms.!9
Commando Cunt Queen

Messages In This Thread
REPURPOSING...DECORATING IDEAS HERE! - by username - 11-24-2013, 12:47 PM
RE: REPURPOSING... - by Maggot - 11-24-2013, 01:08 PM
RE: REPURPOSING... - by HairOfTheDog - 11-24-2013, 01:10 PM