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Are you drunk? Stoned? Just kinda annoyed with your spouse or lover? Bored? Lonesome tonight? In a time zone where New Year's Eve is so yesterday's news anyway? Simply have good taste and wanna be here with a bunch of smart-asses that you don't have to look in the damned face when you mock and tell them to eff off? ...

If you answered, "yes" to any of the questions above, please post a deep thought, random insult, inappropriate question, lighthearted musing, or whatever's on your mind this New Year's Eve...


I've got something on my mind.

I don't believe that Mr. Clang McFly is at home eating subs and having a cup of joe with Roktar and Ma & Pa McFly this evening.

I believe that he's out working his magic at the Singles Rockin' NY Eve Bash down at the Church of St. Merry's, and he's struggling to choose which nice lady he's going to take home to mom's.

Either that, or he's in his room, listening to Weird Al through the headphones, and plotting his next bunny kill.

That's all. Smiley-rolling-joint

Messages In This Thread
RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW...MOCK NEW YEAR'S EVE - by HairOfTheDog - 12-31-2013, 10:04 PM