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It doesn't sound like the officers were far from their posts, but seems impossible to tell what impact that minute or more delay may have had.

Stupid, to me, that officers (at least according to the quoted rep) don't report that they're leaving for a meal break until they reach their destinations.

It doesn't appear that Ciancia strategically staked out the airport screening area over the course of time. Did he just get lucky in arriving exactly when both officers were away from their posts? Makes me wonder how easy it would be for a skilled terrorist team/group to really scope out the scene day after day, and then be able to detain the officers away from their posts and charge in with enough time to get full on ballistic.

Officers no longer at the screening area, security posts vacated without notice, and we're all still getting half undressed and carrying under 4 oz toiletry bottles to pass through the scanners. Doesn't make a lot of sense, to me.

I'm not a fearful person and think it sucks that tight security is needed, but that's the world today. If we're gonna do it on paper, we should do it in practice.

Maybe these reviews will result in some re-tightening of processes and improved security. Hopefully.

Messages In This Thread
RE: GRAPHIC PHOTO: AIRPORT KILLING - LAX - by HairOfTheDog - 01-23-2014, 01:45 PM