Is this wrong...please fucking say it is!
(01-23-2014, 09:13 PM)Maggot Wrote: But old people, say 70-80 yrs old, they LOVE their doggy bags, don't fuck with them! They will cut you! hah

Very true!

Tomorrow is a big night in the HOTD household. I'm going with my niece to see her favorite band - she has like 10 of their t-shirts, tweets with band members, etc... This is them:

Neither one of us spends a lot of time on cosmetics and such. But, tonight she's got a major hair project underway; she's cracking me up. She has great brown hair with a lot of red highlights, naturally. Right now, the whole top is bleached orange. Shortly, it will be blue.

So, she asks me if I want to toss a few blue strands in my hair and I ask her, "don't you think that might work against me in signing that new client on Sunday?" Her response: "I'd think that would work in your favor attracting the blue-hairs". 16

Major effin' smart ass (thankfully).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this wrong...please fucking say it is! - by HairOfTheDog - 01-23-2014, 10:26 PM