Is this wrong...please fucking say it is!
(01-27-2014, 06:08 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: The bottom line, to offer a homeless person your leftovers is not generous it's offensive.

"Generous", I don't see it that way. "Offensive", only someone truly clueless would continue to bang that defective drum.

In the many years that I've lived in Los Angeles and San Francisco, I've never encountered a homeless person who was begging and truly in need of food being insulted by getting a nice boxed restaurant leftover portion from me or anyone else.

Never had a hungry homeless person say anything like, "fuck you bitch, it's not good enough! - take me out to dinner or buy me a meal or I'd rather go without!". Not once. Nor have I seen a homeless person be insulted when given donated clothing in the winter, or demand poached salmon when they come to the shelter and left-over soup is being served.

I don't know how you've concocted the image of the snobby cleanly homeless person in your mind, but it's pure delusion. I don't insult the homeless by minimizing their challenges or falsely characterizing them, but you're free to continue doing so. It's quite reflective of who you truly are - not a reflection on the homeless person or the person who offers food on-hand when asked. That's the bottom line.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this wrong...please fucking say it is! - by HairOfTheDog - 01-27-2014, 10:33 PM