Is this wrong...please fucking say it is!
(01-28-2014, 10:13 AM)QueenBee Wrote: My husband's uncle apparently is the doggie bag king. He will not only take home leftovers, I guess he will take ALL the sugar and butter packets on the table, extra napkins or straws. He has even asked for more dinner rolls, and instead of eating them there, will take them with him.
I have seen the extreme cheapskates who take food from other tables. That is so wrong. I think American restaurant portions are obnoxiously large in many cases. I often end up bringing stuff home. Of course, sometimes I will order a larger portion on purpose just so I will have left overs,. We have a restaurant here that makes GREAT wings and ribs. I will often order the larger order just so I have some to bring home.

Shame on you. Aussie will need a paper bag to breathe into after reading that last sentence...hah

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this wrong...please fucking say it is! - by FAHQTOO - 01-28-2014, 12:49 PM