02-06-2014, 02:55 PM
(02-04-2014, 06:48 PM)heartbreaker6713 Wrote: I have heard that about several countries especially if you get in trouble to avoid going to jail. The thinking is once you get into jail it is much harder to get out so bribe your way out of going in in the first place.
In high school a bunch of classmates went to Spain and one classmate got into trouble. He bribed his way out. If I remember correctly he got really drunk and peed in public and officials caught him. He was 18, one of a few of the classmates were and they were warned especially since they were 18 of us age to be careful. I didn't go on the trip as much as I wanted to, we couldn't afford it growing up.
There are a few countries I have been to and thought they were beautiful and amazing. Of course there are several more I'd love to go to given the opportunity!
In China they don't just have police they have these “public security” people, they are a relic of the old communist style dictatorship and they were used mainly to quash any dissent and protest from the hoi poloi the downtrodden masses.
They would harrass any round eye they got their beady little slant eyes on. You could buy them off with like £3 or something but it was still annoying and scary.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.