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Is homosexuality an important religious issue?
Hang on, hang on, I 100% agree with you. I have said this before about homosexuality. I don't think homosexuality is important to God/Jesus/Higher power/Universe. I think it's important to religious-holier-than-thou-pious-Jimmy Swaggarts of this world. I am not one of those. When I looked up homosexuality in the new testament and researched it further. The new testament is originally written in greek, it has been translated as homosexuality, but the actual greek is talking about sexual perversion, not sexual orientation. Anyway, the extremists have run with the translation. But it is incorrect. I can find the links to show you.

I believe God is love. If God is love and two people love each other, whether they are gay straight or bisexual, transexual, God MUST be present, because love is present. I am for gay marriage and equal rights to all human beings. I think the argument against gay marriage is ridiculous.

I think if Christians spent more time helping the poor and those in need in the the third world and less time interfering in politics and peoples bedrooms the world would definitely be a better place and maybe people would take them more seriously. Your serve Boris.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is homosexuality an important religious issue? - by aussiefriend - 02-22-2014, 06:24 PM