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It's my opinion offenders are put behind bars to serve their time and that's the extent of it. Very few view it as a wake-up call to get their act together, some learn a trade or get an education, but for the most part I think the education they get is nothing more than learning how to be a better criminal in order to avoid arrest and doing time again.

I don't really know anything about prison other than what I see on tv and I would quickly cross the street in order to avoid coming face to face with any of those scary fuckers. I think many of them build a life for themself behind bars much like I imagine Jodi doing. They have a roof over their head and food which is probably more than they would have on the street.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]

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RE: IS US CRIMINAL REHABILITATION A MYTH? - by Duchess - 04-24-2014, 01:40 PM