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(04-28-2014, 01:05 PM)sally Wrote: I think I'd opt for immediate surgery too. That's an awful decision to have to make.

It seems like most conjoined twins are born in other countries, mainly Indonesia and China. I wonder why that is.

I'm not sure that most conjoined twins are born in Indonesia and China. If that's true, I'd guess it's because China has by far the largest population in the world, so they'd be statistically inclined to produce the most.

Indonesia is also in the top five countries population-wise and abortion is looked down upon more there than in most developed highly populous countries. But, I'd think India would produce more conjoined twins than Indonesia just because abortion is generally regarded as less acceptable there than many developed countries too and the population is second only to China.

Anyway, being that I'm not religious, if I knew that my babies were conjoined during pregnancy, I think I'd have an abortion. It would feel selfish to give birth to children who had a slim chance of survival, even though it would be incredibly difficult to make that call.

If I didn't know that they were conjoined until just before or after birth, I'd probably choose immediate separation surgery.

Messages In This Thread
RE: WHAT WOULD YOU DO? -- CONJOINED TWINS - by HairOfTheDog - 04-28-2014, 01:37 PM