06-04-2014, 08:26 AM
(06-04-2014, 08:01 AM)crash Wrote: I think your "kid-picking-up-a-gun-laying-around-and-shooting-some-motherfucker-dead" rate per capita would be a lot higher than ours..
No doubt about it. I'm glad you all don't have that problem with which to contend at home.
Toddlers dying from marijuana or beer isn't a big problem in either of our countries, AFAIK.
But the hundreds of kids here who are shot by other kids who grab a loaded gun is a big problem. Last week in Arizona, a 3 year-old-boy shot and killed his 18-month-old brother. Too much.
Anyway...the boombox speaker is kinda cool. On a somewhat related note, did you see where Apple purchased Beats Music and Electronics from Dr. Dre and Steve lovine for $3 billion USD last week? Should be interesting to see where that goes in terms of Apple's diversification.
My niece says Beats headphones were way overpriced, break easily, and aren't better quality than her cheaper ear/head phones. I don't know much about those kinds of products, but I think Apple was buying Beats' technical personnel and expertise as much as their tangible products.