06-06-2014, 12:54 PM
(06-06-2014, 11:47 AM)ChicagoBorn Wrote: Awwwwe - HOTD, I'm touched that you missed me.Hey, I said you were growing on me, not that there was any touching involved!
(06-06-2014, 11:47 AM)ChicagoBorn Wrote: I was waiting for iiiittt!! For you blow-hards to think that you scared me off by all of the barking and growling. NOT A CHANCE!!Pffft -- you've been treated with kid gloves so far. And you can wait all you want; there will be no blowing here -- hard nor gentle-like. NOT A CHANCE!! (Unless nrkerr comes back around -- that would greatly increase the odds.)
(06-06-2014, 11:47 AM)ChicagoBorn Wrote: A corporate job is rather overrated; though it puts food on the table for all of the gratefuls and ungratefuls alike.I hear ya. On the other hand, I thought working for myself would give me for freedom than a corporate job. There is more down-time for sure, but it's on call 24⁄7 -- I sometimes miss the steady paycheck and predictable hours working in the corp world. Always a trade-off, I guess.
(06-06-2014, 11:47 AM)ChicagoBorn Wrote: Also had a relative pass this last month; so a great deal of commotion flanking from the side that was a bit unexpected. Family.... Sheez! Love and dysfunction at its best is it not.I'm sorry for your loss, ChicagoBorn.
(06-06-2014, 11:47 AM)ChicagoBorn Wrote: This weekend I am off to tally with about 8k archery folks (vendors, buyers, blow-hards) release some steam flying some quivers. In a controlled environment of course...Glad to be back.Have a great time and tried to stay on the straight and narrow; you get the point (= stay outta jail, if possible, I don't think they let you log on to Mock from there).