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Pope Frank excommunicates Wise Guys
Pope Francis does seem to be a new or different brand of pope -- unconventional, at least.

His "extreme liberalism", as she calls it, is really rubbing Sarah Palin the wrong way. She kills me.

I understand Pope Francis excommunicating mafioso and his message about how their philosophies and lifestyles put children at risk.

I'd like to see him excommunicate all Catholic Priests guilty of child molestation, too (if he hasn't already -- I haven't seen such a blanket excommunication, but could have missed it).

Messages In This Thread
Pope Frank excommunicates Wise Guys - by QueenBee - 06-21-2014, 11:29 PM
RE: Pope Frank excommunicates Wise Guys - by HairOfTheDog - 06-22-2014, 12:52 PM