08-16-2014, 02:23 PM
These are some of the newest entries in the OxfordDictionaries.com update.
YOLO -- acronym for "you only live once".
Sideboob -- self explanatory (or you can ask MS for details).
Amazeballs -- annoying way of saying "amazing".
Mansplain -- a man trying to explain something, usually to a woman, in a sincere and condescending way.
Hate-watch -- to watch a television show with the express intent of mocking it.
Cray -- an adjective meaning "crazy," but with one less syllable (I thought FAHQTOO made up 'cray').
Anyway, here I am again; reading everything that I can get my hands on to satisfy my thirst for knowledge. I'm insatiable -- it's like a habit or an addiction. Something is seriously wrong with me. :(
^ I'm kidding. That's my attempt at a humblebrag. A humblebrag is an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud. Apparently, Facebook and Twitter is full of humblebrags -- funny shit. (Some celebrity humblebrags: http://twistedsifter.com/2011/05/funnies...n-twitter/ )
Don't be shy. This is the place to bust out your (or anybody else's) humblebrags, mansplains, sideboobs, etc..