09-02-2014, 09:24 PM
When I was 12 I swung from the cross members of a bridge caked with pigeon shit over a dam that had tons of rushing water from the spring thaw. You think you'll live forever at that age, and I can still remember how fast that water was going as it got sucked into the hole that spun the water turbines at the local mill. I can still hear the water and the noise it made and how scared I was when I was half way. I never did that again.
I also remember walking out to the very edge of the ice on the Merrimack by the power station in Bow during the winter trying to roll tires into the water, I was about 10 ft from the edge of the ice in the middle of the river and it was cracking everywhere. I think I was 9. When I look back at those things I feel like a ghost.
I also remember walking out to the very edge of the ice on the Merrimack by the power station in Bow during the winter trying to roll tires into the water, I was about 10 ft from the edge of the ice in the middle of the river and it was cracking everywhere. I think I was 9. When I look back at those things I feel like a ghost.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.