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OK, I think I want to make a couple things clear here.
First off and don't laugh, I do not consider myself to be a racist. I used to be the guy that would always call someone, Anyone, out for using the N word. I thought it was wrong and still do, although I may be guilty of using it a couple times in here.
I have some very good friends that are black and we respect each other for being who we are as individuals and our accomplishments.
However, living here in south florida for the last 19 years I have had the pleasure of dealing with a particular type of black that seem to be the worst that the race has to offer, this in a state where it seems Everyone (regardless of race, color, station in life or where they are from) is trying to run a scam, run a game, lie, cheat, steal or bamboozle everyone else.
That has most definately changed the way I view people, now I am much more proned to believe the worst of people first, forgive less and in general consider most people i come into contact with an asshole until they prove otherwise.
Pisses me off that I have come to that, but thats where it is. I have never been mugged or robbed or had a black guy steal my car, my money or my woman. Where my head is is strictly from the last 2 decades of experience here. There are mop heads running around here that will literally steal everything you do not have nailed down, they have a van or such with a tree trimming sign on it and knock on the door and ask to trim your trees. If you answer and take the deal they will do a half ass job and be gone. If you do not answer the door they will go round back and try and break in. Thats why I have cameras and an alarm with signs. SOme of my neighbors have alarms Now but only after having their shit removed from their homes middle of the day. There are reasons black men while being some 17% of the general population but 70 something% of the prison population. They are as a culture more violent than anyone else.
Next, as to this case I have no idea if this particular black guy killed this girl or not. I think whatever happened to her was at least in part due to some bad decisions she made, thats not speaking ill of the dead, I think it become clear it is a fact. One of the possible bad decisions she made was hanging out with that particular guy, he is not a good guy, we know that because of his record. She didn't have knowledge of that, but she did know he was a black guy with a head full of dreads, whick means he is unemployed or working a very cheap job and he is out cruising drunk white women. Had she not been so young and inexperienced she would have seen that as BS, but she didn't.
All that is conjecture, swag and my own bullshit reasoning, so I'll own that.
You don't think so? How many people with dreads do you see with a decent job? I have 1 working for me, he is an excellent tower hand and I like him. But thats 1 out of at least a thousand I see down here. Not saying its right, but its the way I see things, You choose your own path.

As to me being a serial killer? There are many paths I could have taken that were not as shiny as the one I did take, but I like my women live, happy, smiling, willing and wanting to come back.

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RE: WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH GRAHAM? -- 18, Virginia - by SIXFOOTERsez - 09-28-2014, 12:59 PM