01-16-2009, 09:02 PM
Liquid Wrote:THAT IS the dumbest thing you have ever said sinCUNTer. I trained Washington DC cops for 5 years at the health club I ran in the mid 90's. That is WASHINGTON DC cops. We ran many miles together through the city with the weighted vests on, did all the outdoor course training, and all of the strength drills. It might make sense for you to keep your puss filled diseased trap shut when you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Thanks for playing dumbass.Whatever you did 150 years ago before you evolved into Shamu doesn't count. So sorry.
EDIT - before the DC jobs I also trained many of the guys on the job in Queens NY when I lived there. I love when someone says something SO DUMB it makes me want to skull fuck them. cunt