11-03-2014, 07:19 PM
I understand that this is a U.S. Marine who served who his country, but I do not agree with everyone that thought it was Government's job to get him out of jail. He was not duty, he was on personal trip to Mexico. If you carry drugs or weapons in or out of any country and get caught, you are going to jail. God himself wouldn't be able to get you out of the slammer. Have you never watched Locked Up Abroad TV show? Some of these people who went to jail for years were set up, unaware they were carrying illegal stuff, and they still went to jail. The local U.S. embassies were unable to help, Congressman, Presidents, etc. have attempted to intervene to no avail. Now I realize that PTS is a legit illness, but it seems as though that card can be used for any service man/woman who gets into legal trouble. The fact that we have many illegal Mexican people crossing our borders has nothing to do with this case. I personally don't know any circumstances of this Marine's case, but I do know about some murderers of wives, girlfriends, husbands, etc. have also served in the military and they were crazy psychos before they ever went into battle. We need to make sure that this young marine has legitimate illness and is appropriately B treated, however, possible malfeasance should be looked at, too. Bottom line, being a Marine doesn't mean he is not capable of a possible crime.